One of the prevailing themes of my writing is the ability for everyone to gain common grounds when discussing interactions. I believe one of the keys to this is a common metaphor, OCGM (Objects, Containers, Gestures, and Manipulations) as well as a set of icons for use in design. When sketching out the user experience it’s important to note the interactions. This is especially true in state diagrams, specs, and other interaction design documents. In my first installment of Gesturcons, I present to you the Gesturcons : Touch Pack 1.0. These are being released under the Creative Commons License and I hope that you all find some good use for them in your designs and experiences.
This is the first batch, for touch. I also have Spatial, Voice, and a few others in the works.
I’m using a simplistic graphic design language to represent the actions by a user. If we use OCGM to boil down each action, we get just a few basic actions that all can be constructed from. To combine these actions together I use only two different states. They either happen at the same time, or they happen consecutively.
After we have established exactly when the action takes place, we can then talk about the specific actions. I use only a few different types of basic actions as well. The only addition you see here is the Location Specific Icon. That means that the exact placing of that particular input is predetermined by the system for the manipulation or the gesture to be successful. As an example, the Red X at the top right of Windows is a location specific manipulation.
The path icon is pretty straightforward. It means that the path the user has to take to accomplish the goal is specific and is going to be bound by guidelines. Those rules are what you have devised, but the path is specific.
The rotation icons are dual purpose. They can mean an actual spin of the input or a spin of the action. This could be boiled down to a Path, because they have to follow a certain pathway to achieve success. I find it easy, but others find it difficult to also put a rotation as a simple path. So I added it here for ease of use. Notice the use of Twin when its dual simultaneous inputs.
To sum up the use of the Gesturcons, I present an example of how you could build your own gestures using this language. In this example I demonstrate the visual identifiers to show a gesture of the question mark.
I’ve also updated the Zip file with all these new gestures. Enjoy and happy designing.
Here is the ZIP, which contains all the PNGs, the Illustrator File and an EPS as well. These are being released under the Creative Commons, which means you can use them internally as much as you want but you cannot package them, redistribute them, or include them in any professional product.

Gesturcons by Ron George is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.
Based on a work at Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at
Very interesting. I think there have been some previous attempts as standardizing gestures or touch interaction diagrams ( comes to mind, and some others I can’t find the reference at the moment) but where they failed is their notation was not extensible enough to be useful beyond the few sample diagrams presented.
I think there is potential with your set, since it appears to have a common pattern that could be reused in different ways.
There is one core problem, though, which would prevent full extensibility. I think the gesturcons are inconsistent as presented. The problem is manifested in the difference between double tap (two open circles side-by-side) and twin tap (two open circles overlapped).
Two open circles side-by-side, at initial glance, looks like it should be what you call twin tap. The reason for this is the same reason why we understand all gesturcons with arrows. We interpret the horizontal and vertical distance in the graphic as horizontal and vertical displacement in space on the touchscreen. This is a very straightforward metaphor and is something everyone would understand. Building upon this, the arrowheads imply the temporal relationship between the source and target of the arrow, thus movement from one position to another.
In comparison, it appears that with double tap and tap hold, the spatial metaphor is thrown out in favor of a temporal one. Instead of horizontal distance in the gesturcon being spatial displacement, it is temporal displacement. With those it appears that the time flows from left to right.
A distance-to-temporal metaphor would be fine if it were consistent with all the gesturcons, except that there is another problem. The axis of time (left-to-right) is implicit, which can be confusing particularly if you are designing applications for a 360 degree interface, such as Microsoft Surface. For you it might be tap then hold, but to me, on the opposite side of the table, it would look like hold then tap.
The twin tap and twin tap hold are similarly confusing because they overlap the circles. This looks like the taps should be very close together, and is not sufficiently different from double tap to eliminate confusion.
To illustrate the problem with extending this, using the notation as is, what would the proper way to notate a double twin tap, or a double twin tap and hold? I’m imagining four circle arranged horizontally, sometimes overlapping and sometimes filled in. Not very intuitive.
I think you already have a solution for these problems within your gesturcon set. Take a look at the metaphor you use to differentiate the tap and the hold. The tap is a ring with a hollow center and the hold is a ring with a filled center (i.e. a filled circle.) The difference between a tap and a hold is how long the finger stays in contact with the touch surface.
To bring the metaphor here to light, consider if you had the need to show a gesture where the finger is in contact for longer than a tap and shorter than a hold, assuming the hold threshold is something specific like two seconds. (I know that user experience designers may eliminate that gesture from a final product, but suppose there was a need to notate it.) How would you show it? Halfway between the two icons graphically would be a thicker ring with a smaller hollow center. This indicates that the metaphor showing the amount of time the finger is in contact with the surface is the colored area along the radius of the circle, from outside to in. To put another way, think of the line from the circumference of the circle to the center as a graph of time, and the colored portions indicate finger contact.
Extending this, I believe a better, consistent way to show a double tap would be two concentric rings. Reading the radius-time metaphor, it matches. Down-up-down-up. The size of the actual icon does not interfere with the spatial metaphor discussed above, since only the center of the circles matters when comparing the graphical distance between gesturcons.
This metaphor is extensible enough to show other things such as triple tap or tap-hold-tap, whatever is necessary. As a side bonus, the total size of the gesturcon helps to indicate the time it takes to perform the gesture, and relative sizes between two gesturcons can help indicate that one takes longer than the other. If you want to get technical, you could even put a scale on it and define one centimeter equals one second.
Using this idea, here are revised gesturcon descriptions:
Double Tap: Two concentric rings with a gap between the rings.
Tap Hold: An outer ring and a filled center with a gap between the two.
Twin Tap: Two rings side-by-side
Twin Tap Hold: Two rings side-by-side and a filled center in one (or both) rings with a gap between the rings and the centers.
You have a solid argument. The only error I see is in your initial reasoning around the icons. This also gives me a great chance to discuss OCGM, 😉
The overlapping icons represent actions that are joined together by time. So two taps that happen at the same time would be represented by overlapping icons. If they are seperate, they can happen at different times or even the same time, but they are not dependent on each other by time.
I purposely left out many icons because I wanted to present a set that could be used to build more. It is a definite non-goal of this project to try and capture every gesture or manipulation out there.
So let me go through the language and the icons really quick. I will also put this in the original story.
Tap = a contact and release
Hold = a contact down and stays down
Twin = two contacts or actions at the same moment
Drag = Hold with movement after it’s down
If the icons are overlapping, that means they happen at the same moment and are related. So a “Cobra” which is two fingers coming down and one finger rising while the other one stays would be represented by a hollow circle and a solid circle, overlapping.
A double tap by a single contact would be represented by two hollow circles side by side with space in between them.
You are correct in your assumption of time. If the contacts have space between them, that means they have time between them.
So using the language I described how would you draw the icons for a two finger rotate?
Both contacts remain down, so you know that it would be two filled circles. They happen at the same instant so they would need to overlap. Also the second contact would need to rotate, so you would need to incorporate the Drag icon on top of the second icon.
The other thing to think about in reference to your Surface point. These are not meant to be some indicative mark to the user or used in gesture learning. These are meant to be used by the designers, in house, to discuss with each other and developers, et al.
I agree 100% with joshua on the repetitive/simultaneous multitaps. The main reasoning is because your repetitive taps LOOKS exactly how simultaneous taps look, and your simultaneous taps, LOOKS mostly like a repetitive tap (multiple taps on the same/similar location)
I see how you’ve tried to incorporate time into the X axis, but I don’t think it really works… perhaps a different element could signify time, like, size perhaps? But yeah, I think you should do a survey to see how MOST people interpret it, perhaps with some other variations in there, so you can find out with confidence what makes intuitive sense to the majority of people. I could be wrong.
Interresting. Maybe a rotating Icon is missing ? like a up arrow on top of left point and a down under the right point ?
On a side note good luck to explain the “Twin tap hold” to your grandma’ I’m not even sure I could do it myself 🙂
I can easily explain the twin tap hold.
Place two fingers down on the device. Do not lift them. 😉
I purposely left out the rotating icons, but I am going to post them now as an update.
Are you sure ?
Etheir It’s my English wich is not good enough or maybe your descriptions need corection or I don’t know but Twin Tap hold is definded by you as
“User makes perform two taps simultaneously. One contact remains, the other lifts. Refefred to as “Cobra””
– It does not seems equal to “Place two fingers down on the device. Do not lift them”
-Is it me or does “makes perform” is a typo ?
Haha. Yes, it was a typo. You are correct. Your English is great.
Twin tap .. put two fingers down and raise them both.
Twin tap/hold … two fingers down, only one raises.
The definition should be more clear, due to your suggestion.
Twin Tap/Hold perhaps? would be a “cobra.” The key is to capture putting two fingers down and only raising one.
I’ll correct the files as well and re-upload them.
You have a really unique way of breaking things down to their most simple construction and then giving examples. I really like this. We can use these internally right but just can’t send them to clients? They are for designs and internal documentation.
With this many wonderful ideas its really weird I had not heard of you before this? Did the ux fairy drop you out of the sky? 🙂
What a great concept!
I would like to see the Gesturecons extended to include earcons for multi-modal interfaces.
Yes, I plan on covering all the sensory areas. Next one coming up is Spatial (Natal), also have voice, and others coming down the pipe.
Gesturcons, without the “e”, right?
Yes, without the ‘e.’
Pingback: Gesturcons Touch Pack: New icon language for NUI gesture
Pingback: Gesturcons: an icon language to describe natural user interface gestures- Experience Design by Ron George
Thanks, that’s a great post on an area I otherwise might never have heard about!
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Is this link not working for anyone else? Looks interesting though
Would love to download this, but the download link is broken. It says, “Sorry, the page your requested could not be found, or no longer exists.”
Looks great – though would need to try out how well these translate to hand-drawing for sketching. Where’s the iPhone “shake” interaction? 🙂
Thanks for your comment Nathanael.
The important thing we think about is how will the developer think of this interaction? We need to speak in terms they can understand so they will develop EXACTLY what we have designed with no shortcuts or errors.
So, when the iPhone developer is creating this shaking motion what needs to happen prior or during? That is a question for the designer to answer prior to submitting it.
It depends if the shake interaction is a touch gesture. Can it be shaken without touching it? If so, then that would technically be a spatial interaction. Spatial icons are the ones I am working on now.
So, my challenge to you is, you are the designer and I am the developer, YOU tell me what the interaction is. If you want a touch on a specific area so the accelerometer will start “listening”, then you would use the above icon for that and then a spatial icon.. BUT here is the kicker. They would need to touch because there is no time difference, as they need to happen at the same time.
This is the discussion we were having above, that having the icons touch is unintuitive. In this case though, you see how making the icons touch solves that problem of ambiguity and precisely why I designed the language like this.
Hi, : Your link is broken
“Sorry, the page your requested could not be found, or no longer exists.”
Looks good but the link is not working.
Probleme with the download link :/
Thanks everyone for the comments. Sorry for the delay, I have been insanely busy at work. I am working on something amazing and it has me working my tail off to ensure we can accomplish it. It will be a first for MSFT and something that no one to date has done.
Pingback: Gesturcons: an icon language to describe natural user interface gestures « Timyeo’s Blog
I’ve had a similar idea about displaying touch gestures too, but never quite managed to “flesh out” the basics this much 🙂
There is one thing though: how intuitive are these to understand without the labels?
I’ve seen people use touch-based devices without already being familiar with them, and they all seem to struggle with these basic interactions. Would adding this kind of icons without the accomodated labels help, or would they need to first study the icon’s meaning to understand them at all?
Wow, nice work ! This is really interesting and you made a great piece of work there.
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Hi Ron,
thank you very much for this gesture notation system. I used it for my appendix in paper about designing gestures for multitouch screens.
Your gesture documentation approach works very good compared to the user gesture documentation approachs.
Best regards from Germany
Pingback: Icons fürs Entwerfen von Touch-Oberflächen |
Pingback: Icons fürs Entwerfen von Touch-Oberflächen |
Hello there, You have done a great job. I’ll certainly digg it and personally suggest to my friends. I’m sure they’ll be benefited from this website.
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How do these work internationally? I know there are variations in hand gestures in different cultures, so I’m curious to know if these have been tested to rule out any potential offense?
Pingback: Multi-Touch Gesture Icon Sets | The New Black
Pingback: 8 Gesture Icon Sets for Designing Multi-Touch Interfaces » Cycads Australia – Logo Design
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